A Short Story of Healthy Love

Setting the Scene In a charming town cradled by rolling hills and verdant forests, there lived a man named David and a woman named Sarah. Their lives had been intertwined since childhood, much like the roots of the ancient oak tree that graced the town’s center. As the years passed, their friendship deepened, blossoming into […]

To Love and Be Loved

Bob Marley wrote, “Could you be loved then be loved.”  “The Cry Of Our Children,” Ruth Garnes’ poetic anthology, contains questions that bear her deep thoughts on the subject of love. It becomes evident that Ruth sees love of self and love of others as intertwined, as if individuals who don’t have self-love have difficulty […]

Eyes On The future

I believe that we, as humans, are imbued with a spiritual essence and a distinct purpose on this Earth. Our paths may not always be clear, but our experiences often carve out and illuminate our destinies. Our society requires a diverse array of roles for efficient functioning; not everyone can be in the limelight as […]

Messenger of Light


If a ray of hope exist for a burdened life,If you could be the messenger,A carrier of light,Dry the tears of some,Sing songs to delight,Would you? If from a high positionYou could step into a low one,And from that humble positionbe an entirely broken human,Would you? Would you wash dirty, dirt,Lotion crusty smelly feet,clothe a […]


If you loved me, held me closely, That would reassure me. When I lay down to sleep I hug my body, to be held. It’s not wrong for me to love me, To soothe my hurts, give care to my scars. To appear undamaged. I long for a day of measure when equality rules, When […]


When I reflect back, it is as if a single conversation triggered my life’s journey, the twists and turns it took brought me to this exact moment. In the late eighties I worked as a nurse at Bellevue Hospital Center. One day, when I was the triage nurse, a rather handsome looking fellow came in. […]